Jonan Grobler
A musician from a young age, then filmographer & editor, and then finally an animator motion graphics enthusiast. All the the practice with timing (music) and composition (camera work) and messaging (editing) paid off in the form of animated videos - the ultimate combination of all these disparate creative fields.
Loves: family, sci-fi books, classical guitar, Starcraft II, cold weather.
Hates: too many things to fit in this list.

Emily Grobler
From a young age, Emily was interested in graphic design, and always drawing and dreaming of horses. Actually looking after a horse quickly cured her of this brief passion. After a brief detour studying at Silwood School of Cookery, she teamed up with Jonan to make the gorgeous, detailed illustrations and character designs on display in our portfolio.
Loves: gardening, painting, arts & crafts, a warm fireplace, baking pastry, movie nights
Hates: decoupage, PDA's, cold weather.
ons is die dangerous duo 🤘